From Field to Fork - NSSF Let's Go Hunting

From Field to Fork

Do you have a desire to learn how to source your own protein?

Have you always wanted to learn more about hunting but weren’t sure who to ask?

Would you like to introduce others to the many benefits of hunting while also helping to ensure the future of hunting?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, or if you are just curious about the Field to Fork program, then we invite to you learn more about the program and how you can get involved! For more information on Field to Fork, or if you are interested in replicating or participating, email Hank Forester.

QDMA’s Field to Fork is a food-focused hunter recruitment program for adults from non-hunting backgrounds piloted in Athens, Georgia in 2016 by QDMA Hunting Heritage Programs Manager Hank Forester and Charles S. Evans, the Georgia R3 Coordinator with the Georgia Wildlife Federation. Hinging on a unique approach involving recruitment at a local farmer’s market, visitors were asked if they wanted to sample from a spread of venison sausage, grilled backstrap or venison jerky, and they were provided with a handout titled “Why Should You Hunt Deer?” They were then offered the chance to participate in a season-long mentored hunting program that would teach them how to hunt and acquire a wild, healthy, local, sustainable source of food on their own.

Learn more about Field to fork here:

Can a Piece of Grilled Backstrap Save Hunting?